Head of Department

2013 - "Prof." FTF VŠMU Bratislava, pedagogical education completed with the inaugural process
2007 - "Doc.", FTF VŠMU Bratislava, pedagogical education completed with the habilitation process
2001 - "ArtD.", FTF VŠMU, Bratislava, complete university education, doctoral degree
1982 - "Mgr.", FAMU, Prague, higher education, master's degree

Selection of professional projects


Dramaturgical cooperation on films:

2020 - The Pack, drama, 94 ́, dir. Tomáš Polenský, Czech Republic.

2019 - The Unsilenced Voices of Beslan, 53 ́, documentary film, dir. Tomáš Polenský, Czech Republic.

2017 - Kidnapping, drama, 95 ́, dir. Mariana Čengel-Solčanská

2015 - Liars, drama, 27 ́, dir. Róber Hložanka,

2011 - The Pit, documentary film, d. Jiří Stejskal, winning film of the Fresh Fest FAMU Prague, Czech Republic.

2010-2011 - M. R. Štefánik - feature-length documentary film. 4/4, 1/4th part. Production: Kanimex s.r.o., s. a r. Pavol Kanis,

1986 - until today about 400-500 dramaturgical collaborations on school films of students in Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Erasmus students, Summer Schools, Further Education, workshops and amateur films.

Author's editing:

2014 - And yet it is spinning" / cycle; Studio of Visual Effects - 40 ́, documentary editing film for RTVS2014 - And yet it is filmed" / cycle; Further Education - 40 ́, documentary editing film for RTVS

2012 - Bojná, documentary film, 27 ́, dir. Stanislav Kunda,

2011 - The Story of Bratislava Castle - 2011, animated film. Sc. and r: Vladimír Malík.

1995-2001 - Series BUD BINDI, STV Bratislava, written and directed by: Jozef Slovák, Jozef Heriban, Pavol Jursa, cinematography: Ján Ďuriš, Stanislav Szomolanyi.

Honorable Mention 37 IFF Golden Gate Awards 1994
Gold Award IFF Houston 1995
Silver Spire Winner – 39th FF Golden Gate Awards San Francisco (USA) 1996Bronze Award IFF Houston 1994Honorable Mention IFF Philadelphia 1996 

2000 - I believe in the European Union,(29 ́) 

2001 - Genetic Congress,(20 ́) 

2001 - Welcome to NATO, Slovakia, (22 ́) 

Represented at IFF Florida Fest 2002-10-18.Selected for the main competition at IFF Kerala 2002 and IFF Sao Paulo 2002.

1993 - The Story of Matej Hoza, TV video film 85 ́, produced by studio Artepp, dir. Peter Mikulík, k. J. Ďuriš. Filmed on the motifs of the short story "Ornament" by V. Šikula.tag.

1993 - Wolves, 35mm, 87ˇ, directed by Steven Carver (USA), Producer: Arthur Brauner. Co-production of the USSR, USA, Germany. American actors in a project designed for an American home video with an ecological action plot. Working on a film in the American way.

1990–1992 - Alaska Kid (Goldrush), 13-part feature film 35mm intended for American audiences, co-production Poland, Slovakia, USSR, Germany, USA, producer: Arthur Brauner (N), production Wolf Brauner, music: John Cameron (UK), director: James Hill (UK). A film based on the motifs of Jack London from the Gold Rush period in Alaska.  American sets, American actors in Russian exteriors. A mix of the American and German versions realized in Berlin. The series was subscribed to Czech and broadcast, among other American and European televisions, on TV station Nova.

1985-90 - Videofilm SFT Koliba, co-founder of the studio - creation of the first feature film technologies for post-production using video technologies (the first video editing room in Slovakia with such a post-production focus). SFT Koliba animated film editor.

About 220 audiovisual works of various lengths, in which he collaborated as an editor with the following directors: Fenič, Fifík, M.Slivka, Zachar, Urc, Fornay, Oparty, Lexmann, Jurišič, Kaboš, Blejová, Pogran, Kamenický, Záchenský, Slavíková, Kendy, Lukáčik, Riccotti, Rapoš, Dobiš, Brachtl, Ondruš, Bolerázsky, Velický, Homolka, Janovský, Zeman, Hojnoš, Mančuška, Hlaváč, Hanúsek, Ruppeldt, Makara, Floreán, Skokánek, Dučák, Ferko, Kolber, Potroková, Klaučová, Mrázek, Chmelík, Cho, Vávrová, Biskupič, J.Slivka, Černák, Ridošová, Lembovič, Veselý, Longauer, Homola, Asvanyi, Kubáň, Palonder, Jedlička, Sladký, Jursa, Matúš, Zabloudil, Skultéty, Mrázek...

1983-1985 - SFT Koliba, Feature film, editing assistant,

1982 - Diploma project Sick, which was the first diploma project in the history of FAMU made using video technology.

He has been a teacher at the Faculty of Film and Television of the Academy of Performing Arts since 1986.

2019 - Founder of the Game Design Studio of the Academy of Performing Arts, Bratislava.2011 - present. Head of the Studio of Visual Effects at the Faculty of Film and Television of the Academy of Performing Arts.
2011 - Founder of the studio AVFX FTF VŠMU.1995 - Co-founder of the Department of Editing at the Faculty of Performing Arts.2000 - 2006. Head of the studio and in charge of the ASS FTF VŠMU.1995 - present. Supervisor of many bachelor's and master's theses at the Faculty of Physical Education of the Academy of Performing Arts.
2009 - 2012 - member of the Academic Senate of the Faculty of Physical Education of the Academy of Performing Arts.
1986 - beginning of pedagogical activity at the Academy of Performing Arts

Sample of a distance lecture during the Covid pandemic. (Office 365 account only)

Lecture: Film Time

Individual guidance of students in the monitored period:

2000 - present. Supervisor of doctoral students of the Studio of Editing Composition, Studio of Visual Effects. Individual management of student projects of other studios.
 2004 – 2014.Teaching foreign students within the Erasmus project in the field of film editing dramaturgy in English. Head of many years of editing and visual effects. 

Teacher at FMK UTB ZLÍN - Czech Republic since 2008.

Teaching subjects: Film Analysis, Dramaturgy, Film Speech and others. Teaching Erasmus foreign students in English.Supervisor or opponent of students at Bachelor's or Master's level. Teacher of workshops Tesák, Dešná 2008, 2009. 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016.Pedagogical leadership of student films awarded abroad. Leading supervisor of doctoral students in the program of editing, dramaturgy and screenwriting.

Teaching outside the working hours:

2012 - 2019 Black Tower Festival. National Festival of Amateur and Student Films České Budějovice, jury member in the category: Small Film, Big Film, Student Film, Independent Film.
2018 - Member of the jury of the student festival Áčko 2018.2018 - Member of the jury of the film festival Svitavská klapka 2018.
2012 - 2019 - organization of Visual Effects Workshops at the Faculty of Performing Arts.
2015 - international project Tempus, international pedagogical guidance of a student from Serbia.2015 - Workshop East Slovak amateurs in Margecany, lectures.2014 - 2016 - 48 hours project Bratislava, member of the jury, leading the final workshop.2014 - Speech to the President on behalf of appointed professors.
2012 - 2013  - Member of the festival jury of one-minute films Jameson, Prague, Karlovy Vary, Czech Republic.
Initiation, organization of the first WEB page of the FTF VŠMU (2004).2006 - 2018 Founder and organizer of the Summer School of Film Language of the FTF VŠMU. Successful implementation of 10 years of a commercial event at the Faculty of Performing Arts of the Academy of Performing Arts. Organization and lectures.2006 - present. Further film language educationFTF VŠMU, founder and organizer. Successful implementation of 6 years of a commercial event at the Faculty of Performing Arts of the Academy of Performing Arts. Organization and lectures.2009 - 2010 - Workshop AČKO 2009, ÁČKO 2010, pedagogical supervision.2010 - Workshop Festanča - lecture during the festival of animated films on the topic of the relationship between the screenwriter and animated creation.

Scientific activities:

2020 - Contribution to the videoconference IGNITE CONFERENCE IN VIENNA 2020, Ignite Digital Roundtables entitled Design Thinking & Maker Culture: Sticky Learning for the 21st Century
2019 - Initiation of accreditation of the Game Design study program.
2019 - Erasmus+, Pedagogical Mobility Katowice, Poland. Lecture and popularization of the visual effects and game design study program.
2019 - Dramaturgical conference in Opava, lecture, inclusion of the lecture in the proceedings entitled "Distracting Motif in the Depiction of Chance in Film Storytelling".
2019 - Erasmus+, visit and lecture at the University of Katowice.
2018 - Dramaturgical conference in Opava, lecture, inclusion of the lecture in the proceedings entitled "Dramaturgy of Student Documentary Film".
2015 - 2020 - Accreditation and implementation of the Top Team in the field of visual effects.2017 - Dramaturgical conference in Opava, lecture, inclusion of the lecture in the proceedings, .
https://slideslive.com/38904774/06-zaverecne-metafory-vo-filmovom-pribehu2016 - principal investigator of the ARS Bratislaviensis2014/2016 grant - TEMPUS, international project, co-investigator: Development of higher education and society by creating a collaborative environment in the field of arts and media through regional student partnership in production of audio/video content.
2013 - Lecture at a documentary film conference organized by the Literary Academy (Josef Škvorecký Private University) in Prague, the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava and Czech Television.
2008 - 2009 - Co-research and cooperation on the international scientific project RIVERS. The participants of the project were 6 universities (4 American, 2 European) and their goal was to research and create a long-length joint project related to the 6 largest world streams. The FTF of the Academy of Performing Arts implemented part of the project related to the Danube River. Another technical goal was to implement the transmission of large image data over the Internet through the know-how of the fi. AVID.
2008 - 2010 - principal investigator of the KEGA grant: "Laboratory of Digital Effects"
Project successfully completed in 2010. The aim of the project was to prepare the establishment of the Studio of Visual Effects, which is partly implemented through this accreditation file.
2007 - Co-investigator of the European Social Fund grant.



Keying in motion

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.


1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

Pilgrimage attraction

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

Trick analysis, tutorial, teamwork

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.


1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

Cooperation with FTF students

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

Final work, semester

2nd year BC

2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.


2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.


2nd year of B.Sc.

Making of, 2. ročník

2nd year BC

2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.

Tvorba herného dizajnu 3, 2. ročník, zimný semester

2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.


2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.

Vertigo effect

2nd year BC

2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.

Extracurricular activities

2nd year BC

2nd year of B.Sc.


2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.

Stáž v profesionálnom prostredí HD

2-3 years - Elective subjects

2-3 years - Elective subjects

2-3 years - Elective subjects

2-3 years - Elective subjects

2-3 years - Elective subjects

2-3 years - Elective subjects

2-3 years - Elective subjects


3rd year BC

3rd year of B.Sc.

3rd year of B.Sc.

3rd year of B.Sc.

3rd year of B.Sc.

3rd year of B.Sc.

3rd year of B.Sc.

Tvorba digitálnych assetov

3rd year BC

3rd year of B.Sc.

3rd year of B.Sc.

3rd year of B.Sc.

3rd year of B.Sc.

3rd year of B.Sc.

3rd year of B.Sc.

Bachelor work

3rd year BC

3rd year of B.Sc.

3rd year of B.Sc.

3rd year of B.Sc.

3rd year of B.Sc.

3rd year of B.Sc.

3rd year of B.Sc.


3rd year of B.Sc.

3rd year of B.Sc.

Keyed puppet

3rd year BC

2-3 years - Elective subjects

2-3 years - Elective subjects

2-3 years - Elective subjects

2-3 years - Elective subjects

2-3 years - Elective subjects

2-3 years - Elective subjects

2-3 years - Elective subjects