
2002 - 2008 Faculty of Natural Sciences, Human Geography in Administration, Comenius University, Bratislava, Master's degree, Mgr.

Jobs: 2012 PIXEL FEDERATION, s.r.o., Lead Game designer, Lead Game designer. Consultations on ongoing projects. Organization of workshops. Mentoring designers. Responsibility for design on a new project.

2009 - 2011 Crystal Hall, s.r.o., Company manager, Branch and store management of an international company with the intention of games, hobbies, books and painting supplies. Event organization, promotion, distribution. Projects. Organization of workshops.

Selection of professional projects

2019 Trainstation 2 
2018 AFK Cats
 2015 Seaport 
2012 Diggy's Adventure

Popularization of HD:
Participation in events with a focus on game development:2016, 2017, 2018 Fest Anča Game Days, Game jam. 2016, 2017 (winner), 2018 (second place).2017 Skill Drill (mentor)
Summer game dev (juror, lecturer)
Butterfly Effect (mentor)
Slavcon, Istrocon, Y-games (lecturer)2020 Lecturer within the Summer Game Dev (SGD) 2020 program, the 5th year of the summer school of game creation,  Bratislava
2019 Lecturer at the meetup Design Minds: How to design a successful game, Bratislava
Mentor in the ButterflyEffect program (2017- ) 
Stroopy Jump: 
Tile Towers:
Zig zag duck: 
Cargo Ship Stacking:
Planet Odyssey:
Archer Aim Master:
2019 Game design workshop as part of the Slavcon event 20192014 Lectures at popular gaming events such as Y-Games, Comics Salon, Anime ShowMentor as part of the EduFactory program (2016) 
Dungeon Crawl:


1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

Final work, semester

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

Final works

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

A miraculous fairy tale

2nd year BC

2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.


2nd year BC

2nd year of B.Sc.


2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.


2nd year of B.Sc.


2nd year of B.Sc.

Final work, semester

2nd year BC

2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.


2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.


2nd year of B.Sc.

Final works, semester

3rd year BC

3rd year of B.Sc.

3rd year of B.Sc.

3rd year of B.Sc.

3rd year of B.Sc.

3rd year of B.Sc.

3rd year of B.Sc.

3rd year of B.Sc.


3rd year of B.Sc.