
2003 - 2009 Faculty of Arts, Comenius University, Bratislava, History, master's degree, "Mgr.", 1998 - 2003 Grammar School of Ján Papánek, Bratislava1995 - 1997 Grammar School of School Brothers, Bratislava

2012 PIXEL FEDERATION, s.r.o., Lead Game Designer, Designing game mechanics, participating in game visual stylization, communication with programmers, creating spatial levels, writing stories and texts, leading and organizing a design production team, solving crisis situations, educating other game designers, in-house and international professional lectures and workshops.2008 - 2012 MB Entertainment, s.r.o., Editor-in-Chief of and editor of www. osporte.skJob description of the editor-in-chief of Leading and organizing a team of editors, supervising the operation of the news, active management of the content page, organization and control of attendance, solving crisis situations (personnel, technical and professional)Job description of the editor: Publishing news, active management of the content page, technical processing of articles, sending MMS, interviews with sports personalities.

Selection of professional projects


1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

Final work, semester

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

Final works

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

1st year of B.Sc.

A miraculous fairy tale

2nd year BC

2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.


2nd year BC

2nd year of B.Sc.


2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.


2nd year of B.Sc.


2nd year of B.Sc.

Final work, semester

2nd year BC

2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.


2nd year of B.Sc.

2nd year of B.Sc.


2nd year of B.Sc.

Final works, semester

3rd year BC

3rd year of B.Sc.

3rd year of B.Sc.

3rd year of B.Sc.

3rd year of B.Sc.

3rd year of B.Sc.

3rd year of B.Sc.

3rd year of B.Sc.


3rd year of B.Sc.