2005-2009 Classical Philosophy, University of Constantine and Methodius in Nitra - Bc.
2009-2015 Political Science and Digital Media, Masaryk University, Brno - Bc.
Digital Media and Journalism, Masaryk University, Brno - Mgr.
2020- Visual Effects FTF VŠMU, PhD student
Game creation:
Author's design:
Play Bratislava (Bratislava Cultural and Information Center)
The Journeys of Young Corgoň (Nitra Tourist Information Center): Geolocation games designed for families, using the city space to solve various puzzles.
Eco 2050 (Slovak Center for Innovation and Development): A mobile game highlighting the connection between local and global ecological relationships, where players influence the development of cities on different continents through choices - in development
Czech News (Demagog.cz): A web game where you play the role of a budding journalist and have to verify data while learning to work critically with sources
Design collaboration:
CARD BARDS: Brave Explorers (Katarína Akáčová) - a board game for young children and parents, promoting movement and interpersonal interaction.
SadOvo (civica civic association): A board game for elementary schools about the importance of orchards and the diversity of fruit varieties.
The End of History (Rolling civic association): A larp about international relations in the Middle East, where players represent individual states as diplomats.
Membership in academic associations:
CEEGS Steering Committee Secretary (since 2014)
CEEGS Steering committee member (since 2017)
MU Game Studies, co-founder, program guarantor (since 2010)
muniMUN, founder (2011-2012)
FSS MU Academic Senate, senator (2013-2015)
MU Student Science Club, member (2014)
Community and Educational Radio R, member (2012 - 2015)
Conference organization:
CEEGS, FMK Trnava (2017)
CEEGS, Jagiellonian University, Krakow (2015)
CEEGS, MU Game Studies, Brno (2014)
CONference, MU Game Studies, Brno (2011, 2012, 2013)
muniMUN, Brno (2012, 2013)
Hosting conferences:
2017: Marketing identity, FMK
2017: Quo Vadis, FMK
2017: Megatrends and Media, FMK
2017: Moscow, VSDC
2013: Containers of the world, ChoPS, Pilsen
2013: Academia Film Olomouc, UP, Olomouc
2011: Popular culture, Konstruktmag, Olomouc
2011: Summer School, ChoPS, Nečtiny
2023: Computer games can be beneficial for children
2019: Challenges 2019: Current challenges in language teaching: what next?, Trnava
2016: Gamer Pie, Prague
2012: European Youth Voice, YIA, Cologne
2011-2012: Game Expo, Bratislava
Establishing New Genres in Digital Games: The Auto Battler Case Study , 2020. Acta Ludologica. Pp 46 - 66.
The first gaming commercial entities in Slovakia , 2016. Marketing Identity: Brands we love. Pp 194 - 208.
Caillois Vs Gamification , 2014. Gamestudies.cz .
A debate about the carrier , 2013. Gamestudies.cz .
Typologies of games not based on game mechanics , Media studies.
Final work:
Capitalism: The Trial Version. The emergence of the digital games market in Slovakia during the transformation period , 2015. Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University. Master's thesis.
Typologies of computer games and their criticism , 2012. Faculty of Social Studies, Masaryk University. Bachelor's thesis.
Pedagogical activity:
Means of Expression in Digital Games - FF MU, FMK UCM, (2016-2020)
Case studies - FMU UCM (2016 - 2020)
Critical Analysis of Digital Games - FF MU, FMK UCM (2017 - 2020)
Game Studies - FF MU (2017 - 2020)
History of Game Design - FTF VŠMU (2020)