5a - Video business card
1a - Theme for the game - GDD - Game design document
1b - Theme for the game - ADD - Art design document
2.4. - Animácia v hernom engine - video
2d - Animation in the game engine - description
2f - Animation in the game engine - working files
3e - Plant - description
4.1. - 3D videorender
4d - 3D in Sketchfab
4a - 3D self-portrait - 3D display
4f - 3D model - working files
6f - Video portfolio created from an assignment during the course
6j - Portfolio in pdf
7a - Explication of works

Additional documents
Additional text
Explanation of the self-portrait
Work progress
I started modeling the self-portrait by preparing two photos of myself - from the front and from the side. Then I opened Maya and modeled a high-polygon model, which I retologized in the next step to reduce the number of segmentations. Next, I created clean UV maps that I exported and drew textures into them in Photoshop. As a final step, I used x-gen to simulate my hair in its current form, but I found out that x-gen cannot be exported to fbx format and therefore the hair is not available in sketchfab.