Profile picture for user Belas Martin
Beginning of bachelor's studies
2D zadanie - projekt, prijímacie skúšky
2D zadanie - explikácia
2D zadanie - making of
2D zadanie - pracovné súbory, prijímacie skúšky
3D zadanie - projekt, prijímacie skúšky
3D zadanie - explikácia
3D zadanie - pracovné súbory, prijímacie skúšky
3.1. - Poznámka k realizovaným prácam.

I don't know why, but today I didn't do well at all, the laptop I borrowed couldn't keep up, everything was crashing and nothing was working, but despite that I tried to enjoy it and create something. I know that these projects are not entirely according to your ideas, nor mine, but I hope that you will accept me to this school so that my dream can come true, which is to combine the world of filmmaking and 3D and make cut scenes in games.